Benefits of Having a Professional Roof Inspection to Assess Storm Damage

Severe storms can cause extensive damage to a building’s exterior, most especially the roof. An inspection can help assess storm damage and create an action plan for how to repair or replace the roof. Learn when to seek a professional roof inspection and how that benefits you.

When to Seek a Professional Roof Inspection

Professional roof inspections are cost-free in most cases, which means there are no setbacks to getting someone up there to take a look. Some reasons to request a roof inspection include:

  • High winds: this can lead to bent, broken or missing shingles as well as integrity issues you can’t readily see from the ground.
  • Hail: when thunderstorms move through, they can come with large hail. Even small pieces of hail can cause damage to your roof with small openings that water seeps through.
  • Heavy rains: while roofs are designed to stand up to water, heavy rains can prevent the water from moving away from the building quickly. Standing water can cause damage quickly.
  • Debris: when you have debris on your roof, it can cause damage, especially if it has fallen on the roof. An example of this is a large tree branch that falls or when branches start to grow over your roof and scrape it when blowing in the wind.
  • Gutter issues: the roof and gutters work together to protect your home. When you fail to maintain your gutters or your gutters undergo damage, your roof can suffer as well because water can’t move away from it efficiently.

If your building has experienced any of these scenarios, it’s in your best interest to request a professional assessment.

Benefits of a Professional Roof Assessment After Storm Damage

If you want to know the health of your roof, a professional roof assessment can help. Here are some of the benefits you’ll experience when working with a local roofing contractor for assessment.

  1. Insurance Claim Assistance

If the roofing professional finds damage, they can help you with putting through the insurance claim and proving that the damage was related to a storm. And getting insurance coverage can help support you in reducing your financial burden when repairing the roof.

Claims can be challenging to navigate, but a roofing professional can help with documentation. Getting the paperwork started can also speed up the process so that you don’t experience damage to your building while you await a response from the insurance company.

  1. Investigate Visible and Invisible Damage

If you go up on your roof to look at things, you might not see all the damage. That’s because there can be underlying damage that’s hard to spot with a cursory evaluation. Professional roofers know how to evaluate hidden damage that’s lurking under your roofing materials or whether to look for damage you might not be aware of.

  1. Finding Water Damage Before It Becomes Severe

When drainage systems don’t work right, they can lead to water damage quickly. Water damage might not become apparent inside until you have extensive problems. Finding it on the roof and getting it repaired can prevent larger, more serious issues. Catching and preventing issues early can help you control your budget and protect your building.

  1. Budget Management

Catching damage early will prevent larger problems, such as foundation issues due to improper movement of water away from the building or inside repairs from leaks. The sooner you know about storm damage, the sooner you can get those line items in your budget to adjust and plan for the rest of the year.

  1. Insulation Review

While you might not see insulation as a structural part of your roof, it does play an important role in managing your expenses. Poor insulation can mean higher energy expenses, which can be very impactful on budgets for heating and cooling large commercial buildings. Storm damage might not harm your roof’s integrity, but it might have done a number on your insulation. Replacing insulation is not a large or costly project but it can have a large impact on your finances.

  1. Peace of Mind

After a large storm, your building’s integrity will be on your mind. If you have customers and third parties coming through your building regularly, you want to know it is a safe place for them to be. A roofing assessment can give you that peace of mind and ensure your building is safe for occupants. This can prevent costly litigation or bad PR for your business in case of an incident.

Knowledgeable Roofing Professionals in Connecticut

When you need trusted commercial roofing professionals in Connecticut, turn to the team at Domack Restoration. With 50 years of experience serving countless customers in the area, you’ll find trusted, reliable partners in maintaining this crucial area of your building. Contact the team now to get started with an assessment and quote.