Preventative Roof Maintenance Services In Hartford, CT

At Domack, we specialize in and understand every aspect of commercial roofing, roof repairs, and roof maintenance in Hartford, CT. Our dedicated service team quickly responds to roof repairs and preventative roof maintenance programs.

We know it’s tempting to be penny-wise and pound-foolish, putting off costly roof repairs that can disrupt cash flow with an unplanned expense. The most cost-effective decision you can make is to invest in preventative roof maintenance services

Fast Facts

Climate change can adversely affect roofs. It’s easy to forget about the roof during a light winter. Improperly removing snow from the roof during one bad winter with heavy snowfall can cause punctures in the roofing material. This can lead to water leaks, ice dams, and possibly roof collapse.

It is important to be sure that your building maintenance crew removes snow correctly with the right tools. So, if you’ve sent your maintenance crew up there to shovel snow off the roof in the past, you could need an inspection to identify punctures and small damage that could cause costly roof leaks in the future. Domack can help with regular preventative roof maintenance and roof inspections.

Unpredictable and shifting weather patterns can create conditions that lead to unbalanced snow loads on a roof. Heavy winds can cause snow drifts, and rain on top of snow can lead to load imbalances on one roof area. A roof not designed to account for shifting loads can collapse. You have no control over damaging winds that throw branches onto the roof, puncturing rubber roofing material.

Preventative Maintenance

Our service team of roofing experts in Hartford, CT, will inspect your roof three times per year to keep your roof leak-free. Their mission is to detect roof leaks you don’t know yet and locate and repair punctures and damage. They get ahead of the problem!

Roof Inspections

We conduct a thorough inspection of the whole roof, gutters, pockets, and seams that can indicate roof membrane punctures and identify roof leaks. We compile our assessment and deliver to you a Recommended Repair Report to help inform your decisions.

We offer a diverse set of commercial roofing services, materials, and techniques. Our work is well built, durable, and reliable. If you have any questions about our Preventative Roof Maintenance Services In Hartford, CT please call us at 203-502-2004.

Let's Start A Conversation

Whether you need a new roof or restoration services, Domack Restoration, Inc. is here to help.
If you have any questions contact us at 203.502.2004, or just fill out the form below and we will contact you!

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